"Stop destruction of the community landscape for the ‘big football’": signature collection is goin on
Dear ladies and gentlemen.
On the 23rd of November Environmental Group "Pechenigy" started the petition addressed to the UEFA Executive Committee & UEFA Fair Play and Social Responsibility Committee.
From 23rd of November people from 55 countries (including - 5 Canada provinces and 31 American states) signed the petition to the organisers of the Euro 2012 European Football Championship (http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/959/818/777/).

In the above letter we address to the Sponsor of the Europian Football Championship: we demand looking into the ecological issue of the preparation for the Championship and toughening the requirements for its fulfillment. We call UEFA to take Kharkiv negative experience into account and do their best not to make preparations for the following Championships the reason of ruining the environment of the receiving cities.
Of course our authorities have messed up, but the UEFA has, in fact, contributed to worsening the quality of the environment in Kharkiv. We express our disagreement with such an ‘environment-unfriendly’ policy of UEFA and demand reconsideration of the preparation terms for the countries receiving the Championship.
AND the most important - we call people of the future receiving cities to pay attention to THEIR preparation for the following Championships!

You can sign the petition on the site Care2: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/959/818/777/, pressing button "sign now" (please note that sometimes you need to confirm your signature pressing the button again).

Some comments posted by people who signed the petition are below:

Dr. Tereshchenko Nataliya, Ukraine
Only people can save trees and themselves. Make your voice heard: Become a part of our international network of concerned citizens who are committed to leaving our children a healthy planet.

Mr. Andrey Tsukanov, Ukraine
The actual number of the trees destroyed in Kharkiv is at least twice as higher. Only in Gorkiy park in the course of so called reconstruction more than 2000 trees had been destroyed this year in addition to 1500 destroyed during construction of the infamous highway through the same park in 2010 which caused mass protests and their ruthless and lawless suppression by local authorities.

Ms. Maria Petrashenko, Ukraine
Nature is our home.But what will do our children if we destroy it??!!

Antje REmpe, Germany
I live in Nuremberg, the German sister city of Kharkov, and we really care about the wellbeing of Kharkov and its citizens. In the name of our Society for Partnership Kharkov-Nuremberg we express our concern and indignation at the destruction of a sound ecological environment in and around Kharkov. These citizens have deserved a better fate than being at the mercy of erosion, toxic gases and greedy politicians.

Victoria Molinari, Washington, USA:
"The sun, the moon and the stars would have disappeared long ago... had they happened to be within the reach of predatory human hands." - Henry Havelock Ellis
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